10 Simple Ways To Repair Damaged Hair

10 Simple Ways to Repair Damaged Hair

Whether from overuse of heat-based styling tools, an onslaught of chemical additives, or the myriad of other abuses we tend to put our tresses through, everyone deals with damaged hair eventually. While this can be frustrating to deal with, it’s not the end of the world! Let’s take a look at ten simple ways to repair damaged hair.

  1. Wash Less Frequently

Many shampoos and conditioners on the market today rely heavily on harsh ingredients such as parabens, sulfates, and other nasty chemicals that strip your hair of its natural moisture. Only washing once or twice a week will give your damaged hair some time to heal from all that trauma.

  1. Make Hair Masks a Regular Thing

Nourish your hair to give it the nutrients it needs to undo the damage and pamper yourself at the same time! For fast repair to damaged hair, try doing one twice a week. You can purchase a hair mask from the store or make one of your own using ingredients like avocados or honey! Depending on the product you choose, you’ll want to leave it in for 3 – 15 minutes before washing it out.

  1. Switch Up Your Drying Process

Everyone has a favorite method for drying their hair after a wash. Blow-dryers use heat that can cause damage, and certain towel weaves or fabrics can be rough on your delicate strands. Switching to a microfiber towel can help because it’s gentler and causes less friction to your hair. Less friction means reduced damage! Don’t have one? A plain cotton t-shirt will have the same effect.

  1. Try Adding Coconut Oil

This ingredient has been showing up everywhere lately — from moisturizers and creams to hair masks and beyond. The molecules in this oil are small enough to penetrate through the cuticle to deliver nourishment and moisture so your damaged hair can heal.

  1. Get Regular Haircuts

This one seems counterintuitive at first glance — cutting hair can damage it, right? The truth is, keeping your locks trimmed regularly is a lot like pruning a tree or plant in a garden! By cutting any split ends or rough patches, new and healthy growth has a better opportunity to flourish.

  1. Be Specific With Your Hair Type

The texture of your hair is vital. How you care for and repair your hair will vary depending on whether it is curly, wavy, or pin straight. Using the wrong types of products and tools for your texture is a recipe for disaster! Try asking your stylist for tips next time you get a trim — they’re the professional, after all.

  1. Rinse With Cold Water

The outer layer of your hair — called the cuticle — is sensitive to temperature. Hot water will cause it to open, whereas cold water closes it back up. You can protect the sensitive inner layer of your hair strands from damage by rinsing with cold water.

  1. Protect From the Sun

Sun protection is not just for your skin! Your hair can become dry, brittle, and easily damaged, thanks to those harmful UVA and UVB rays. Accessorize with a hat whenever you’re planning on spending a lot of time outside, and your locks will love you for it.

  1. Try a Rinse Product

Boost your shower by adding a rinse agent to your routine. Find scientifically formulated options at the store, or you can make your own at home! Some people swear by a mixture of apple cider vinegar and water to balance pH for frizz prevention.

  1. Give Your Hair a Break

If you regularly wear your hair up in a ponytail using tight elastics, you could be adding stress and friction to your mane that can lead to unwanted damages. Try giving your hair a break by wearing it down more often. Alternatively, if you frequently wear it long and flowing, you could benefit from trying an updo.

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